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Bed Bug Heaters reach 58C

It might be cold outside, but today, we got our highest temperature for killing bed bugs.  The rooms we treated were approximately 12′ x 18′, just a little over 200 sq. ft. and were located in a basement.  We were using our 8 coil, 64 amp bed bug heater set up on a 100 amp service.  Running 5 cords off the 220v stove outlet and 3 cords off 3 different circuits in the apartment, we achieved a whopping 58C.  This is exceptional.  Most often people report results of temperatures in the 50s.  As we know, you can kill bed bugs at 45C,Bed Bug Thermal Death Thermometer so any temperature above that is icing on the cake, but 58C is the cherry on top.

What this means is that once the room reached 58C the heat penetrates faster and potentially, the client could have run the equipment for a shorter time.  However, we still recommend that you heat your room to kill bed bugs for a minimum of eight hours.

Sleep tight.  Adrienne

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