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Bed Bugs Can Drive you Crazy

I know the frustration of bed bugs.  The fear of going to bed with the thought of bed bugs biting in the middle of the night.  Even months after the bed bugs are gone, I still felt the phantom sensation of them crawling on my skin.  Bed Bugs can lead you to do some crazy things.

I have had customers tell me that they have done research on how alcohol kills bed bugs. I think that this poor man in Detroit must have just been out of his mind when he covered himself in alcohol to kill the bed bugs.  What resulted was a three-alarm fire, five people injured and four families without a home.

When I started Bed Bugs Dead Bugs, I really didn’t understand how much we were going to be helping families save their sanity.  My family has had bed bugs twice now.  The first time is when we found out about bed bugs.  The second time when I was not careful and brought them home on my skirt after delivering and setting up the heater equipment.  It was so easy to heat our rooms at the first sign of bugs and know that we would be sleeping tight tonight.


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