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28Oct 17

Where did I get Bed Bugs? #4

I am always amazed at the places you might bet bed bugs. Yesterday's customer thought he was getting a great deal on his new sofa, after all, they were giving…

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20Oct 17

Bed Bug Population Explosion

How fast do bed bugs multiply? Let’s suppose that you fly to England and pick up a few bed bugs when you pick up your carry-on luggage. You might want…

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13Sep 17

Sleepover Party

How did I get Bed Bugs? #2 A recent customer reported her son went a sleepover birthday party and the next day came home with a whole bunch of red…

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09Sep 17

Second Hand Vacuum

Where did I get bed bugs? Would you believe my customer bought a vacuum cleaner at a thrift store and believes that is the source of his present problem? If…

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