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Diatomaceous Earth and Bed Bugs

Diatomaceous Earth reminds me of Baking Soda.  So many uses, including cat litter, fabric deodorizer, facial mask and scouring agent. Some people suggest that it has medicinal benefits.  It is also sold as a pest control powder, but does it work? Diatomaceous earth scrapes against the exoskeleton of the bed bug exposing the innards causing death. Great – if the bed bug walks across the path you have laid out. Not so great if you missed a few hiding spots and the bugs are back biting you and laying more eggs.

It is also sold as a pest control powder, but does it work? Diatomaceous earth scrapes against the exoskeleton of the bed bug exposing the innards causing death. Great – if the bed bug walks across the path you have laid out. Not so great if you missed a few hiding spots.  Then you are back where you started with the bugs are back biting you and laying more eggs.

My philosophy is to save your money and don’t buy any these products.  They cost upwards of $10 a bottle and you will need several bottles to spread around your rooms.  You will then also have this dusty powder to contend with until it is vacuumed up.  When we come in to do a heat treatment, we set up two high-velocity fans which blow the air around to penetrate all corners of the room.  It also blows all that powder around too, leaving you with a dusty mess everywhere.

Save your money! Save your mattress! Save your sanity! Rent a heater and kill bed bugs today.

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