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Heat Bed Bugs in High Rises

Everyone agrees that heat is the best way to kill bed bugs naturally and without pesticides.

Until now, heat remediation was only possible in single family homes or in high rise units located below the tenth floor.  This is because it is necessary to park a large truck to power the propane heaters, which would then pump the hot air through tubes into the house or unit.  These trucks would need to park in your driveway or on the street.

With today’s condo boom, many condos have no place to park on the ground floor for more than a few minutes to allow for deliveries, etc., making it impossible and impractical for high rise units to even consider heat remediation as an option for killing bed bugs.

Today, Bed Bugs Dead Bugs brings you our portable, electric heaters that will operate in just about any condo unit in Toronto.  They will fit on a dolly and you can wheel the equipment in to do it yourself using our step-by-step instructions and our helpful bed bug equipment set up video.

Sleep tight. Adrienne

Bed Bugs Dead Bugs to the rescue!

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