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Pesticide Companies Don’t Care

Pesticide Companies Need Repeat Business

We are often hearing that pesticides are not as effective as they used to be.  This is true since the banning of carcinogenic agents – the ones that cause cancer.  They killed the bed bugs but were very harmful to humans.  So, when a pesticide company comes to your home, they spray once in all the usual areas, like beds and baseboards where they bed bugs are likely to be located and come in contact with the pesticide.  They then need to come back two weeks later to spray again to kill any bed bugs that have hatched that have not touched the harmful spray.  They may also have to come back a third and fourth time if you continue to discover live bugs.

Of course, when they pesticide operator is inside your home, you are banned from entering or supervising their work and cannot enter for a minimum four-hour period. The spray they use is colourless and you have no way of knowing where they applied the chemicals and can only hope that they did a thorough job.

A pesticide company needs your business, but they also need repeat business.  The more often they come, they more money they make so it is in their best interests to do an adequate job but not a super duper job.

Customers who have come to Bed Bugs Dead Bugs tell me tales of how after the third or fourth spray, the found that the spray technician never opened the dresser or flipped over the mattress to do both sides, or sprayed the bed frame thoroughly.  No wonder the bed bug infestation never seemed to end.

The beauty of Bed Bugs Dead Bugs’ heat treatment is that the heat penetrates everywhere and the bed bugs and eggs are killed upon being exposed to 45C. Prepare the bedroom, reach or exceed the temperature and allow the heat to penetrate and the bugs are dead in one treatment.

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