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Bed Bug Traps are Crap

Bed Bug Traps Don’t Work!

The bed bug trap is designed just like an ant trap, except that bed bugs don’t behave like ants.

One of the things we know about bed bugs is that they are attracted to your breath – the CO2.  That’s how they find you. They sense the CO2 in the air while you sleep and then they make a little home for themselves close by in your bed or sofa. With that in mind, why on earth would the bed bug go into the trap? They are attracted to you, not whatever is in the trap.  Even if the bed bug went inside, it has already laid its eggs someplace else on your mattress, box spring or bed frame. When those eggs hatch, how likely are they to go into the bed bug trap?

You will have just dropped over $10 on these traps and will still have the bed bugs. Save your money. Of all the products on the store shelf, the Bed Bug Trap is the biggest waste of your hard earned cash.

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