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Bed Bugs go to University

Studying, going to class, part-time job, hanging with friends and getting groceries when the chance comes up is all part of student life in Toronto. But are bed bugs earning a Bachelors of Bloodsucking degree?

University campuses and residences throughout the city, including Ryerson, U of T, York and Centennial have reported bed bugs popping up in class and in residence.

We, at Bed Bugs Dead Bugs, have made a list places to meet up with the worst group project members ever.

* Common Areas: Bed bugs can end up in nearly any space that students go to, including libraries, desks, movie rooms in res or even the cafeteria (especially the cafeteria) – wherever students hang out, bug bugs are chilling with you.

* Residences: The close proximity of students in residence can be another way to get these unwanted study mates and you travel from room to room to hang with friends.

* Student apartments/houses: Residence isn’t the only places bed bugs can find nice living spaces. Crowded student houses or apartments with bed bugs nearby can also create a haven for a bed bug infestation.

Bed bugs can be a huge pain for students. The bites they cause swelling and itchiness, but moreover can result in paranoia and insomnia Your residence may not relocate you or refund your money when a bed bug infestation is found.

There is hope. Call Bed Bugs Dead Bugs heater rental services for student-ready prices.

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