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Bed Bugs in Nursing Homes

Often, customers are scratching their heads, trying to figure out exactly how they got bed bugs and other times, they know exactly where they came from.

One customer his month discovered bed bugs a few weeks after Grandma spent the weekend with them for Thanksgiving. Further investigation revealed that the nursing home where Grandma lived also had bed bugs. Over the next month, they used a variety of sprays from the home improvement store to try and combat the bed bugs, but to no avail. Bed Bugs Dead Bugs was able to heat all the bedrooms in their house to kill the bed bugs in the room where Grandma stayed and to ensure that everyone in the house was sleeping tight.

This week, another customer thought their daughter had brought the bed bugs home from school. As I got to know the customer, I learned that the mom worked in a nursing home / long-term care facility as a nurse.  We then went and checked out all the beds in the house.  It soon became apparent that the major infestation was on the mom’s mattress, suggesting that the bed bugs started with mom and moved to the kids’ rooms.  As the mom’s work would most likely bring her in regular contact with bed bugs, we went over strategies to prevent further infestation.  My first suggestion was for her keep your nursing uniform at work and bring it home in a sealed bag to

As the mom’s work would most likely bring her in regular contact with bed bugs, we went over strategies to prevent further infestation. My first suggestion was for her keep your nursing uniform at work and bring it home in a sealed bag to for laundering. This would help prevent the bugs coming home on her uniform and landing in her bedroom again.  I also suggested a bed bug mattress cover, so that she be able to immediately see the signs of bed bugs on the cover – the black spots and the red blood spots.

It’s a good idea for you to inspect your loved one’s room regularly for bed bugs if they are living in a nursing home or long-term care facility.  Often, elderly people will not complain about itching as they may not know that it is from bed bugs and just think it is part of old age.  You may want to find out what the policy is on bed bugs in your love one’s retirement home.

Please feel free to call Bed Bugs Dead Bugs for more information.

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