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Don’t Make this Bed Bug Mistake

Okay, so you’ve discovered that you have bed bugs and are probably freaking out.  One common mistake people make when they find a bed bug is to vacate the room in which they found the bed bugs.  Sounds like a good idea if you want to stop getting bitten by bed bugs. You may have a spare room or decide to sleep on the sofa while you try to combat the problem.

The problem is that the bed bugs will notice you left them all alone and head out in search of you.  I’m sure you have read that they can live for up to a year without food, so they will eventually find you.  How? They will be able to follow your scent, the CO2 you exhaust while breathing.  I’m sure you don’t want to stop breathing quite yet.  They can also sense your body heat.  Now, what happens is that your problem just doubled.  You will still have eggs hatching in the your bedroom and you will have adults laying more eggs in the living room or spare bedroom you start sleeping in.

It’s tough to crawl into bed knowing that you will probably be bitten but, in the long run, it is a wiser decision to stay put until you can heat treat the bedroom rather than expanding your problems. Additionally, bedrooms are usually smaller and easier to treat with heat.

I made this exact mistake when I got bed bugs.  About three weeks later, I discovered a bed bug crawling on the carpet in the front foyer.  It had left the bedroom in search of me in the living room.  It was at this point that we discovered bed bug heaters and started treating our home with heat to kill the bed bugs.  Now we share our knowledge and equipment with you.

Bed Bugs Dead Bugs to the rescue.

Sleep tight.  Adrienne


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