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Scarborough Bed Bugs Resistant to Pesticides

I just received a text from a very grateful Scarborough resident who has been battling bed bugs for months.  The management company of his 1960s build apartment had sprayed his apartment three times in the past two months and still, he was getting bites.  Not only are Scarborough bed bugs resistant to pesticides but bed bugs around the world are becoming resistant to pesticides.

Desperate for relief, he called Bug Bugs Dead Bugs and was amazed to find an affordable solution to his bed bug problem.  He had seen online companies who treat your whole house with heat remediation using propane heaters.

I am pleased to say that today, our customer found many dead bugs as a result of our heat treatment, even after having had three pesticide treatments.

Whether you live in Scarborough or elsewhere in the City of Toronto, Bed Bugs Dead Bugs is here to help you sleep tight tonight and don’t let the bed bugs bite!

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