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Bed Bugs and Pets

Whether you have a cat, dog, hamster, bird or fish, you are probably concerned about what you are going to do with your pets when the pesticide exterminator shows up to spray your house.  Pesticide exterminators will insist that you vacate the premises for at least four hours after the treatment.  How are you going to transport your bird in the middle of winter? Where are you going to go for four hours with your cats and dogs?  Where do I hang out with my snake or iguana?

If you are a pet owner, one of the major advantages of the Bed Bugs Dead Bugs heat treatment on a room-by-room basis is that stay home and heat treat each bedroom and keep your pets in any room that is not being treated.

I have a very large fish tank which would be impossible to move.  The good news is that during the bed bug heat treatment, the temperature of the water will not significantly change.  You will not have to move your fish tank or cover it over to protect it from pesticides.

The bed bug heat treatment takes approximately 8 hours to heat each room after it reaches the minimum temperature of 45C.  While you are treating one room, you can go about your day in the rest of your home.  How perfect is that!

Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite.

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