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Bed Bugs in Hospitals

Shocking but totally true.  On three separate occasions, we have had families in Toronto tell us that they believe that they got bed bugs from the hospital where they gave birth to their new baby.  These families feel strongly that the bed bugs came from the Toronto hospital because they came home with their new baby and had no visitors for severals weeks.  They also did not leave their home with their new baby.  This is very common in some cultures to stay home with your baby for the first month.

Recently, a family in Indianapolis captured a live bed bug in the blankets of their newborn baby at the hospital.  The hospital reacted by banning the father from the hospital and from seeing his new baby.  If hospitals have a bed bug problem, they have an even bigger problem to solve of how to get rid of the bed bugs in such a sensitive environment.

With a new baby, it is understandable that you would not want to have to treat your family home with pesticides and chemicals.  Both hospitals and families can benefit from using electric heaters to kill bed bugs.  Here in Toronto, you can turn Bed Bugs Dead Bugs for help in this very stressful time.

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