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What do bed bug bites look like?

How do you know if you have been bitten by a bed bug or mites or spider? Or perhaps you are having a reaction to a new laundry detergent.

Check out this video by the National Pest Association.

First off, look at the area where the red marks are found.  Bed bugs bite on exposed skin and they often look for meatier areas.  You won’t find bed bug bites around the waistband of your PJs.

Next, is there a pattern to the bites? Bed bugs bite in a cluster, line or zigzag pattern where a number of bugs have fed in the same area.

The welts will vary in size.  While bed bugs siphon off your blood, they injects an anti-coagulant along with saliva and it is this anti-coagulant that you react to, But, not everyone reacts to bed bug bites, just like not everyone reacts the same to mosquito bites. My one daughter swells up while my other daughter hardly reacts to the bite.  Sometimes it will be a few days after being bitten for the welt will appear.

Are the welts itchy?  Initially, you may detect a slight burning sensation. The burning area then develops red bumps, known as papules or wheals (rash). In extreme cases, bites may swell dramatically or turn into blister-like skin inflammations.  You may want to put some sort of anti-infection cream on the bites. The rash will disappear over time but try to avoid scratching the affected area. If the rash persists or becomes infected, contact a medical professional immediately.

You will want to start looking for other signs of bed bugs, the most easily found sign is black smears along the seams of your mattress or spots on your sheets.  Hopefully, you will have caught them early and we can help you treat your room.

Sleep tight.  Adrienne

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