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Bed Bug Bite Treatment

Treatment of Bed Bug Bites

 No matter where you work or are a Ryerson University student, if you scratch your bed bug bites you will make things worse and possibly cause scarring. Try the some of these ideas to reduce the itch rather than scratching.

NATURAL REMEDIES:  Many products around your may help relieve the itch of bed bug bites. Dabbing the welt with lemon juice, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, oatmeal bath, tea bags, ice, hot water, aloe vera and witch hazel may bring you some relief. If you are a fan of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you may want to spray some Windex on the welt.

ANTIHISTAMINES: Antihistamines have been found to reduce itching, but they do not affect the appearance and duration of the welt.

CREAMS: Topical corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone, have been reported to quickly resolve the welts but only minimally decrease the itching and burning sensation associated with bed bug bites.

If you have bed bug bites, you more than likely have bed bugs. You are going to need to solve the problem fast. Bed Bugs die at 45C. You can rent a bed bug heater from Bed Bugs Dead Bugs and kill all the adults and eggs in a single treatment – without chemicals. Safe for students and your whole family, including pets.

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