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Bed Bugs Hitchhike on Toronto TTC

The weather in Toronto was absolutely beautiful when we hit a high of 19C.  There was a big story on the news about bed bugs hitchhiking on TTC streetcars in the middle of winter.  With the warm winter we have experienced, this comes as no surprise.  Bed Bugs Dead Bugs has had the busiest winter on records renting electric heaters.

I feel that we are in for a bed bug population explosion this summer.  If bed bugs are travelling on the Toronto TTC, in the winter, they are going to be taking other modes of transportation come summer time.  Don’t expect them to pay for their ride.  You are going to be the one paying to get rid of them if they hop onto your pants, shirt or bag.

You can try using home remedies or pesticides to get rid of bed bugs but the most effective method of getting rid of bed bugs is with heat.  We are offering a special on our heater rentals.  Book before May 31, 2016 and we will give you $10 off the daily rate








.  Mention the code TTC.

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